Which “classic” books do Goodreads users love and hate?

In the plot below, you can explore the average Goodreads rating (1-5 stars ★) for the 144 books that Goodreads users either tagged as a “classic” the most number of times in the site’s history or read the most as of 2019. You can zoom in to examine books in more detail, or you can search to filter by author or title in the table below.

This data reflects current Goodreads statistics.

*Spoiler alert*: Nobody likes The Scarlet Letter 😔

About This Plot

This plot displays the average Goodreads rating for “classic” literary texts according to Goodreads users. You can scroll to zoom in and inspect the classics in more detail.

The colors represent the average Goodreads rating (1-5 stars ★) for each text.

You can hover over each point to see more information about the text. You can also search and highlight texts by typing in the name of the text or author in the search box above.

This plot was made with Observable and Vega Lite.