Pandas Basics — Part 1#

Note: You can explore the associated workbook for this chapter in the cloud.

In this lesson, we’re going to introduce some of the basics of Pandas, a powerful Python library for working with tabular data like CSV files.

We will cover how to:

  • Import Pandas

  • Read in a CSV file

  • Explore and filter data

  • Make simple plots and data visualizations

  • Write a CSV file


The Bellevue Almshouse Dataset#

Nineteenth-century immigration data was produced with the express purpose of reducing people to bodies; bodies to easily quantifiable aspects; and assigning value to those aspects which proved that the marginalized people to who they belonged were worth less than their elite counterparts.

-Anelise Shrout, “(Re)Humanizing Data”

The dataset that we’re working with in this lesson is the Bellevue Almshouse Dataset, created by historian and DH scholar Anelise Shrout. It includes information about Irish-born immigrants who were admitted to New York City’s Bellevue Almshouse in the 1840s.

The Bellevue Almshouse was part of New York City’s public health system, a place where poor, sick, homeless, and otherwise marginalized people were sent — sometimes voluntarily and sometimes forcibly. Devastated by widespread famine in Ireland, many Irish people fled their homes for New York City in the 1840s, and many of them ended up in the Bellevue Almshouse.

We’re using the Bellevue Almshouse Dataset to practice data analysis with Pandas because we want to think deeply about the consequences of reducing human life to data. As Shrout argues in her essay, this data purposely reduced people to bodies and “easily quantifiable aspects” in order to devalue their lives, potentially enacting “both epistemic and physical violence” on them.

We want to think about how responsible data analysis requires more than just technical tools like Pandas. It also requires an interrogation of the data. Who collected this data? How and why was this data collected? What assumptions are present in this data? What are the consequences of this data in the world? What does this data reflect about the world? For example, Shrout claims that the “Bellevue administrators framed any ailments or difficulties inmates might have had as a consequence of [their immigration] status” — perhaps best exemplified by the fact that a frequent “disease” in the dataset is “recent emigrant.” Below we’re going to explore the prevalence of “recent emigrant” in the data as well as other salient patterns.

Import Pandas#


If you installed Python with Anaconda, you should already have Pandas installed. If you did not install Python with Anaconda, see Pandas Installation.

To use the Pandas library, we first need to import it.

import pandas as pd

The above import statement not only imports the Pandas library but also gives it an alias or nickname — pd. This alias will save us from having to type out the entire words pandas each time we need to use it. Many Python libraries have commonly used aliases like pd.

Set Display Settings#

By default, Pandas will display 60 rows and 20 columns. I often change Pandas’ default display settings to show more rows or columns.

pd.options.display.max_rows = 100

Read in CSV File#

To read in a CSV file, we will use the function pd.read_csv() and insert the name of our desired file path.

bellevue_df = pd.read_csv('../data/bellevue_almshouse_modified.csv', delimiter=",")

This creates a Pandas DataFrame object — often abbreviated as df, e.g., bellevue_df. A DataFrame looks and acts a lot like a spreadsheet. But it has special powers and functions that we will discuss in the next few lessons.

When reading in the CSV file, we also specified the encoding and delimiter. The delimiter specifies the character that separates or “delimits” the columns in our dataset. For CSV files, the delimiter will most often be a comma. (CSV is short for Comma Separated Values.) Sometimes, however, the delimiter of a CSV file might be a tab (\t) or, more rarely, another character.

Display Data#

We can display a DataFrame in a Jupyter notebook simply by running a cell with the variable name of the DataFrame.

:class: pandasreview NaN is the Pandas value for any missing data. See “Working with missing data” for more information.

date_in first_name last_name age disease profession gender children
0 1847-04-17 Mary Gallagher 28.0 recent emigrant married w Child Alana 10 days
1 1847-04-08 John Sanin (?) 19.0 recent emigrant laborer m Catherine 2 mo
2 1847-04-17 Anthony Clark 60.0 recent emigrant laborer m Charles Riley afed 10 days
3 1847-04-08 Lawrence Feeney 32.0 recent emigrant laborer m Child
4 1847-04-13 Henry Joyce 21.0 recent emigrant NaN m Child 1 mo
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9579 1847-06-17 Mary Smith 47.0 NaN NaN w NaN
9580 1847-06-22 Francis Riley 29.0 lame superintendent m NaN
9581 1847-07-02 Martin Dunn 4.0 NaN NaN m NaN
9582 1847-07-08 Elizabeth Post 32.0 NaN NaN w NaN
9583 1847-04-28 Bridget Ryan 28.0 destitution spinster w NaN

9584 rows × 8 columns

There are a few important things to note about the DataFrame displayed here:

  • Index

    • The bolded ascending numbers in the very left-hand column of the DataFrame is called the Pandas Index. You can select rows based on the Index.

    • By default, the Index is a sequence of numbers starting with zero. However, you can change the Index to something else, such as one of the columns in your dataset.

  • Truncation

    • The DataFrame is truncated, signaled by the ellipses in the middle ... of every column.

    • The DataFrame is truncated because we set our default display settings to 100 rows. Anything more than 100 rows will be truncated. To display all the rows, we would need to alter Pandas’ default display settings yet again.

  • Rows x Columns

    • Pandas reports how many rows and columns are in this dataset at the bottom of the output (9584 x 8 columns).

    • This is very useful!

Display First n Rows#

To look at the first n rows in a DataFrame, we can use a method called .head().

date_in first_name last_name age disease profession gender children
0 1847-04-17 Mary Gallagher 28.0 recent emigrant married w Child Alana 10 days
1 1847-04-08 John Sanin (?) 19.0 recent emigrant laborer m Catherine 2 mo
date_in first_name last_name age disease profession gender children
0 1847-04-17 Mary Gallagher 28.0 recent emigrant married w Child Alana 10 days
1 1847-04-08 John Sanin (?) 19.0 recent emigrant laborer m Catherine 2 mo
2 1847-04-17 Anthony Clark 60.0 recent emigrant laborer m Charles Riley afed 10 days
3 1847-04-08 Lawrence Feeney 32.0 recent emigrant laborer m Child
4 1847-04-13 Henry Joyce 21.0 recent emigrant NaN m Child 1 mo
5 1847-04-14 Bridget Hart 20.0 recent emigrant spinster w Child
6 1847-04-14 Mary Green 40.0 recent emigrant spinster w And child 2 months
7 1847-04-19 Daniel Loftus 27.0 destitution laborer m NaN
8 1847-04-10 James Day 35.0 recent emigrant laborer m NaN
9 1847-04-10 Margaret Farrell 30.0 recent emigrant widow w NaN

Display Random Sample#

To look at a random sample of rows, we can use the .sample() method.

date_in first_name last_name age disease profession gender children
5768 1847-10-27 Elizabeth Phinney 40.0 destitution seamstress w NaN
441 1847-03-01 Catherine Mullin 1.0 recent emigrant NaN w NaN
1397 1847-04-30 Mary Anne Graham 30.0 sickness widow w NaN
7170 1847-10-22 Ellen Reynolds 18.0 sickness spinster w NaN
8203 1847-05-19 Richard Hennesy 63.0 destitution baker m NaN
1708 1847-03-13 Patrick Kane 52.0 recent emigrant laborer m NaN
4026 1846-08-05 Henry Reddy 33.0 NaN peddler m NaN
3108 1846-01-07 Rhoda (Johanna) Dunn 24.0 NaN widow w NaN
5313 1847-03-22 Terence Smith 37.0 sickness laborer m NaN
8043 1846-08-03 Eliza Duffy 22.0 NaN spinster w NaN

Get Info#

To get important info about all the columns in the DataFrame, we can use .info().
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 9584 entries, 0 to 9583
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column      Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------      --------------  -----  
 0   date_in     9584 non-null   object 
 1   first_name  9580 non-null   object 
 2   last_name   9584 non-null   object 
 3   age         9534 non-null   float64
 4   disease     6497 non-null   object 
 5   profession  8565 non-null   object 
 6   gender      9584 non-null   object 
 7   children    37 non-null     object 
dtypes: float64(1), object(7)
memory usage: 599.1+ KB

This report will tell us how many non-null, or non-blank, values are in each column, as well as what type of data is in each column.

Pandas Data Type









date time

Calculate Summary Statistics#

To calculate summary statistics for every column in our DataFrame, we can use the .describe() method.

count 9534.000000
mean 30.332604
std 14.179608
min 0.080000
25% 21.000000
50% 28.000000
75% 39.000000
max 97.000000

By default, .describe() will only compute columns with numerical data. To include all columns, we can use include='all.

Pandas Review

NaN is the Pandas value for any missing data. See “Working with missing data” for more information.

date_in first_name last_name age disease profession gender children
count 9584 9580 9584 9534.000000 6497 8565 9584 37
unique 653 523 3142 NaN 75 172 5 36
top 1847-05-24 00:00:00 Mary Kelly NaN sickness laborer m Child
freq 113 979 137 NaN 2706 3108 4958 2
first 1846-01-01 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
last 1847-12-31 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
mean NaN NaN NaN 30.332604 NaN NaN NaN NaN
std NaN NaN NaN 14.179608 NaN NaN NaN NaN
min NaN NaN NaN 0.080000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
25% NaN NaN NaN 21.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
50% NaN NaN NaN 28.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
75% NaN NaN NaN 39.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN
max NaN NaN NaN 97.000000 NaN NaN NaN NaN

Here are some insights that can be gleaned from these summary statistics:

  • For the column date_in, the earliest recorded admission to the Bellevue Almshouse (first) is 1846-01-01 and the latest (last) is 1847-12-31

  • For the column first_name, the most frequently occurring first name (top) is Mary, which appears 979 times (freq)

  • For the column last_name, the most frequently occurring last name (top) is Kelly, which appears 137 times (freq)

  • For the column age, average age in the dataset (mean) is 30, the youngest (min) is .8, and the oldest (max) is 97

  • For the columns disease and profession, there are 75 unique (unique) diseases and 172 unique (unique) professions

  • For the column children, there are 37 rows that include information about children (count) (i.e., rows that do not have blank values)

Select Columns#

To select a column from the DataFrame, we will type the name of the DataFrame followed by square brackets and a column name in quotations marks.

0       recent emigrant
1       recent emigrant
2       recent emigrant
3       recent emigrant
4       recent emigrant
9579                NaN
9580               lame
9581                NaN
9582                NaN
9583        destitution
Name: disease, Length: 9584, dtype: object

Python Review


person1 = {"name": "Mary Gallagher", "age": 28, "profession": "married"}

Key -> Value

person1['name'] —> "Mary Gallagher"

Technically, a single column in a DataFrame is a Series object.


A Series object displays differently than a DataFrame object. To select a column as a DataFrame and not as a Series object, we will use two square brackets.

0 recent emigrant
1 recent emigrant
2 recent emigrant
3 recent emigrant
4 recent emigrant
... ...
9579 NaN
9580 lame
9581 NaN
9582 NaN
9583 destitution

9584 rows × 1 columns


By using two square brackets, we can also select multiple columns at the same time.

bellevue_df[['first_name', 'last_name', 'disease']]
first_name last_name disease
0 Mary Gallagher recent emigrant
1 John Sanin (?) recent emigrant
2 Anthony Clark recent emigrant
3 Lawrence Feeney recent emigrant
4 Henry Joyce recent emigrant
... ... ... ...
9579 Mary Smith NaN
9580 Francis Riley lame
9581 Martin Dunn NaN
9582 Elizabeth Post NaN
9583 Bridget Ryan destitution

9584 rows × 3 columns


Heads up! The code below will cause an error.

See what happens if we try to select multiple columns as a Series…

bellevue_df['first_name', 'last_name', 'disease']
Hide code cell output
KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   2645             try:
-> 2646                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   2647             except KeyError:

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

KeyError: ('first_name', 'last_name', 'disease')

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

KeyError                                  Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-115-0418b2abfd6c> in <module>
----> 1 bellevue_df['first_name', 'last_name', 'disease']

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __getitem__(self, key)
   2798             if self.columns.nlevels > 1:
   2799                 return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
-> 2800             indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
   2801             if is_integer(indexer):
   2802                 indexer = [indexer]

~/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
   2646                 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
   2647             except KeyError:
-> 2648                 return self._engine.get_loc(self._maybe_cast_indexer(key))
   2649         indexer = self.get_indexer([key], method=method, tolerance=tolerance)
   2650         if indexer.ndim > 1 or indexer.size > 1:

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

pandas/_libs/hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()

KeyError: ('first_name', 'last_name', 'disease')

Count Values#

To count the number of unique values in a column, we can use the .value_counts() method.

sickness           2706
recent emigrant    1974
destitution         841
fever               192
insane              138
pregnant            134
sore                 79
intemperance         71
illegible            47
typhus               46
injuries             31
ulcers               26
ophthalmia           19
vagrant              17
lame                 15
debility             11
rheumatism           11
bronchitis            9
blind                 9
dropsy                8
phthisis              8
old age               7
syphilis              7
erysipelas            6
dysentery             6
diarrhea              6
broken bone           5
cripple               5
measles               3
burn                  3
drunkenness           3
abandonment           2
scrofula              2
tuberculosis          2
delusion dreams       2
jaundice              2
pneumonia             2
sprain                2
scarletina            2
fits                  2
piles                 2
ascites               1
sunburn               1
colic                 1
ungovernable          1
del femur             1
congested head        1
hernia                1
cut                   1
tumor                 1
eczema                1
emotional             1
paralysis             1
orchitis              1
neuralgia             1
contusion             1
asthma                1
beggar                1
from trial            1
disabled              1
hypochondria          1
ague                  1
abscess               1
bleeding              1
spinal disease        1
smallpox              1
severed limb          1
horrors               1
throat cut            1
seizure               1
rickets               1
phagadaena            1
deaf                  1
bruise                1
poorly                1
Name: disease, dtype: int64

Look through the so-called “diseases” recorded in the Bellevue Almshouse data and consider what these categories reflect about New York City in the 1840s, particularly with regard to immigration status.

To select the top 10 most frequent values in the “disease” column, we can combine value_counts() with regular Python list slicing.

sickness           2706
recent emigrant    1974
destitution         841
fever               192
insane              138
pregnant            134
sore                 79
intemperance         71
illegible            47
typhus               46
Name: disease, dtype: int64
laborer       3108
married       1584
spinster      1521
widow         1053
shoemaker      158
tailor         116
blacksmith     104
mason           98
weaver          66
carpenter       65
Name: profession, dtype: int64

In a similar vein, consider what these “professions” reflect about New York City in the 1840s.

Make and Save Plots#

Pandas makes it easy to create plots and data visualizations. We can make a simple plot by adding .plot() to any DataFrame or Series object that has appropriate numeric data.

bellevue_df['disease'].value_counts()[:10].plot(kind='bar', title='Bellevue Almshouse:\nMost Frequent "Diseases"')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x112db7f10>

We specify the title with the title= parameter and the kind of plot by altering the kind= parameter:

  • ‘bar’ or ‘barh’ for bar plots

  • ‘hist’ for histogram

  • ‘box’ for boxplot

  • ‘kde’ or ‘density’ for density plots

  • ‘area’ for area plots

  • ‘scatter’ for scatter plots

  • ‘hexbin’ for hexagonal bin plots

  • ‘pie’ for pie plots

For example, to make a horizontal bar chart, we can set kind='barh'

bellevue_df['disease'].value_counts()[:10].plot(kind='barh',title='Bellevue Almshouse:\nMost Frequent "Diseases"').get_figure().savefig('Bellevue')

To make a pie chart, we can set kind='pie'

bellevue_df['profession'].value_counts()[:10].plot(kind='pie', figsize=(10, 10), title='Bellevue Almshouse:\nMost Frequent "Professions"')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1130ee590>

To save a plot as an image file or PDF file, we can assign the plot to a variable called ax, short for axes.

Then we can use ax.figure.savefig('FILE-NAME.png') or ax.figure.savefig('FILE-NAME.pdf').

ax = bellevue_df['profession'].value_counts()[:10].plot(kind='pie', figsize=(10, 10), title='Bellevue Almshouse:\nMost Frequent "Professions"')

If your plot is being cut off in the image, see Pandas Basics Part 2 (“Prevent Labels From Getting Cut Off”).

Filter/Subset Data#

We can filter a Pandas DataFrame to select only certain values. Filtering data by certain values is similar to selecting columns.

We type the name of the DataFrame followed by square brackets and then, instead of inserting a column name, we insert a True/False condition. For example, to select only rows that contain the value “teacher,” we insert the condition bellevue_df['profession'] == 'teacher'

bellevue_df[bellevue_df['profession'] == 'teacher']
date_in first_name last_name age disease profession gender children
2195 1847-03-12 Michael Rush 40.0 recent emigrant teacher m NaN
2692 1846-03-11 Thomas Brady 45.0 NaN teacher m NaN
3773 1846-07-06 Henry Dunlap 66.0 NaN teacher m NaN
4283 1846-09-03 John B. Murray 45.0 NaN teacher m NaN
4286 1846-09-03 Alexander Alcock 46.0 NaN teacher m NaN
4611 1846-10-15 John Dillon 32.0 NaN teacher m NaN
5224 1847-03-01 George F. Robins 57.0 destitution teacher m NaN
6251 1847-08-05 Patrick McGowen 24.0 sickness teacher m NaN
8293 1847-05-27 William Smith 29.0 destitution teacher m NaN
8641 1847-06-23 Thomas Gleason 50.0 sickness teacher m NaN

It can be helpful to isolate this condition and see that it produces a long list of True/False pairs for every row.

bellevue_df['profession'] == 'teacher'
0       False
1       False
2       False
3       False
4       False
9579    False
9580    False
9581    False
9582    False
9583    False
Name: profession, Length: 9584, dtype: bool

Filtering DataFrames can sometimes get confusing and unwieldy (as conditions within conditions pile up like Russian dolls). It can be helpful to make a separate variable for a filter, as below.

teacher_filter = bellevue_df['profession'] == 'teacher'
date_in first_name last_name age disease profession gender children
2195 1847-03-12 Michael Rush 40.0 recent emigrant teacher m NaN
2692 1846-03-11 Thomas Brady 45.0 NaN teacher m NaN
3773 1846-07-06 Henry Dunlap 66.0 NaN teacher m NaN
4283 1846-09-03 John B. Murray 45.0 NaN teacher m NaN
4286 1846-09-03 Alexander Alcock 46.0 NaN teacher m NaN
4611 1846-10-15 John Dillon 32.0 NaN teacher m NaN
5224 1847-03-01 George F. Robins 57.0 destitution teacher m NaN
6251 1847-08-05 Patrick McGowen 24.0 sickness teacher m NaN
8293 1847-05-27 William Smith 29.0 destitution teacher m NaN
8641 1847-06-23 Thomas Gleason 50.0 sickness teacher m NaN

In a similar vein, it’s often useful to make a new variable for a filtered DataFrame. For example, let’s say we wanted to look at only the women in the dataset and see the most commons professions.

women_filter = bellevue_df['gender'] == 'w'
bellevue_women = bellevue_df[women_filter]
married        1564
spinster       1507
widow          1043
laborer          27
seamstress        3
baker             2
single            2
waiter            2
(illegible)       1
gardener          1
weaver            1
servant           1
peddler           1
cook              1
sham              1
carpenter         1
tailor            1
Name: profession, dtype: int64
bellevue_women['profession'].value_counts().plot(kind='pie', figsize=(10,10), title='Bellevue Almshouse:\nMost Frequent "Professions" Among Women')
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x113785a90>

There’s a lot we can do with filters beyond exact value matches with an equals operator ==.

We can also incorporate >, <, >=, <= with integers, floats, and even dates. For example, we can filter the DataFrame for only people who arrived to the Bellevue Almshouse on or after ‘1847-04-17’

date_filter = bellevue_df['date_in'] >= '1847-04-17'
date_in first_name last_name age disease profession gender children
0 1847-04-17 Mary Gallagher 28.0 recent emigrant married w Child Alana 10 days
1 1847-04-08 John Sanin (?) 19.0 recent emigrant laborer m Catherine 2 mo
2 1847-04-17 Anthony Clark 60.0 recent emigrant laborer m Charles Riley afed 10 days
3 1847-04-08 Lawrence Feeney 32.0 recent emigrant laborer m Child
4 1847-04-13 Henry Joyce 21.0 recent emigrant NaN m Child 1 mo
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
9564 1846-07-03 Michael Brown 37.0 NaN laborer m NaN
9565 1846-02-11 Thomas Kennedy 69.0 NaN laborer m NaN
9568 1847-04-02 Ann Gedney 30.0 sickness widow w NaN
9574 1846-08-14 Ann Murray 25.0 NaN NaN w NaN
9578 1846-05-23 Joseph Aton 69.0 NaN shoemaker m NaN

4614 rows × 8 columns

Write to CSV#

To output a new CSV file, we can use the .to_csv method with a name for the file in quotation marks.

Here’s how we might output a new CSV file that only includes rows with women.

bellevue_women.to_csv("Bellevue_women.csv", encoding='utf-8', index=False)

In addition to a filename, we’re also specifying that the encoding is utf-8 and that the Index (the bolded left-most column) is not included in the CSV file.

Further Resources#