Twitter Data Sharing#
In this lesson, we’re going to learn how to share Twitter data and access data shared by others with the Python/command line tool twarc. We’re specifically going to work with twarc2, which is designed for version 2 of the Twitter API (released in 2020) and the Academic Research track of the Twitter API (released in 2021).
Twarc was developed by a project called Documenting the Now. The DocNow team develops tools and ethical frameworks for social media research.
This lesson presumes that you’ve already installed and configured twarc, which was covered in a previous lesson.
Tweet IDs#
Twitter discourages developers and researchers from sharing full Twitter data openly on the web. They instead encourage developers and researchers to share tweet IDs:
Tweet IDs are unique identifiers assigned to every tweet. They look like a random string of numbers: 1189206626135355397. Each tweet ID can be used to download the full data associated with that tweet (if the tweet still exists). This is a process called “hydration.”

Hydration: a young tweet ID sprouts into a full tweet (to be read in David Attenborough’s voice)
There are actually two reasons that you might want to dehydrate tweets and/or hydrate tweet IDs: first, to responsibly share Twitter data with others and/or access Twitter data shared by others; second, to get more information about the Twitter data that you yourself collected.
If you collected tweets in real time, for example, you collected those tweets immediately after they were published, which means that they will not contain any retweet or favorite count information. Nobody’s had time to retweet them yet! So if you’d like to retroactively get retweet and favorite count information about your tweets, then you would want to dehydrate and rehydrate them.
Dehydrate Tweets#
twarc2 dehydrate tweets.jsonl > tweet_ids.txt
To transform your Twitter data into a list of tweet IDs (so that you can share your data openly on the web), you can run the twarc command twarc2 dehydrate
with the name of your JSONL file followed by the output operator >
and the desired name of your tweet ID text file.
tweet ID —> tweet = hydration
tweet ID <— tweet = dehydration
Let’s dehydrate the Twitter data that we collected about “Infinite Jest” from only verified Twitter accounts.
!twarc2 dehydrate twitter-data/dfw_bro.jsonl > twitter-data/dfw_bro.txt
If we open()
and .read()
the tweet IDs file that we just created, it looks something like this:
tweet_ids = open("twitter-data/dfw_bro.txt", encoding="utf-8").read()
Hydrate Tweets#
twarc2 hydrate tweet_ids.txt > tweets.jsonl
To transform a list of tweet IDs into full Twitter data, you can run the twarc command twarc2 hydrate
with the name of your tweet IDs text file followed by the output operator >
and the desired name of your JSONL file.
tweet ID —> tweet = hydration
tweet ID <— tweet = dehydration
Now let’s re-hydrate the Twitter data that we collected a few weeks ago based on the tweet IDs that we just dehydrated.
!twarc2 hydrate twitter-data/dfw_bro.txt > twitter-data/dfw_bro_REHYDRATED.jsonl
tweet_json = open("twitter-data/dfw_bro_REHYDRATED.jsonl", encoding="utf-8").read()
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It only took four days, fam. FOUR.", "lang": "en", "possibly_sensitive": false, "conversation_id": "898246334804787202", "source": "TweetDeck", "created_at": "2017-08-17T18:13:09.000Z", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 1, "reply_count": 0, "like_count": 0, "quote_count": 0}}, {"id": "844552567522820096", "reply_settings": "everyone", "entities": {"annotations": [{"start": 1, "end": 20, "probability": 0.9252, "type": "Person", "normalized_text": "David Foster Wallace"}], "urls": [{"start": 73, "end": 96, "url": "", "expanded_url": "", "display_url": "\u2026"}]}, "author_id": "15649438", "text": "\"David Foster Wallace is essentially the same as skiing and cigars now.\u201d", "lang": "en", "possibly_sensitive": false, "conversation_id": "844552567522820096", "source": "TweetDeck", "created_at": "2017-03-22T14:13:17.000Z", "public_metrics": {"retweet_count": 4, "reply_count": 2, "like_count": 14, "quote_count": 3}}, {"context_annotations": [{"domain": {"id": "35", "name": "Politician", "description": "Politicians in the world, like Joe Biden"}, "entity": {"id": "10037721459", "name": "Bernie Sanders", "description": "US Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)\n"}}, {"domain": {"id": "38", "name": "Political Race", "description": ""}, "entity": {"id": "10037066629", "name": "2016 US Elections", "description": "2016 US Elections"}}], "id": "760889024403873792", "reply_settings": "everyone", "entities": {"annotations": [{"start": 12, "end": 17, "probability": 0.8566, "type": "Person", "normalized_text": "Bernie"}, {"start": 63, "end": 82, "probability": 0.958, "type": "Person", "normalized_text": "David Foster Wallace"}]}, "author_id": "193477066", "text": "New theory: Bernie Bro holdouts are exactly the same people as David Foster Wallace fanatics. 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