Make an Interactive Network Visualization with Bokeh#

This notebook includes code for creating interactive network visualizations with the Python libraries NetworkX and Bokeh. The notebook begins with code for a basic network visualization then progressively demonstrates how to add more information and functionality, such as:

  • sizing and coloring nodes by degree

  • sizing and coloring nodes by modularity class

  • adding responsive highlighting when hovering over nodes and edges

  • adding node labels


Game of Thrones#

Lucky it might be, and red it certainly was, but Ygritte’s hair was such a tangle that Jon was tempted to ask her if she only brushed it at the changing of the seasons.

-George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire

Import Libraries#

import pandas as pd
import networkx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

Install and Import Bokeh#

#!pip install bokeh
from import output_notebook, show, save

To view interactive Bokeh visualizations in a Jupyter notebook, you need to run this cell:

Loading BokehJS ...

Create Network From Pandas DataFrame#

We read in a CSV file of Game of Thrones network data from Andrew Beveridge and Jie Shan’s paper, “Network of Thrones.”

Pandas Review

Do you need a refresher or introduction to the Python data analysis library Pandas? Be sure to check out Pandas Basics (1-3) in this textbook!

got_df = pd.read_csv('../data/got-edges.csv')
Source Target Weight
0 Aemon Grenn 5
1 Aemon Samwell 31
2 Aerys Jaime 18
3 Aerys Robert 6
4 Aerys Tyrion 5
... ... ... ...
347 Walder Petyr 6
348 Walder Roslin 6
349 Walton Jaime 10
350 Ygritte Qhorin 7
351 Ygritte Rattleshirt 9

352 rows × 3 columns

Then we make a network with networkx.from_pandas_edgelist():

G = networkx.from_pandas_edgelist(got_df, 'Source', 'Target', 'Weight')

Basic Network#

The code below shows how to make a basic network viz that includes Hover Tooltips (a text box that will display when a user hovers over nodes) as well as Zoom and Pan/Drag functionality.

For more details about visualizing network graphs with Bokeh, see the documentation.

from import output_notebook, show, save
from bokeh.models import Range1d, Circle, ColumnDataSource, MultiLine
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.plotting import from_networkx
#Choose a title!
title = 'Game of Thrones Network'

#Establish which categories will appear when hovering over each node
HOVER_TOOLTIPS = [("Character", "@index")]

#Create a plot — set dimensions, toolbar, and title
plot = figure(tooltips = HOVER_TOOLTIPS,
              tools="pan,wheel_zoom,save,reset", active_scroll='wheel_zoom',
            x_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), y_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), title=title)

#Create a network graph object with spring layout
network_graph = from_networkx(G, networkx.spring_layout, scale=10, center=(0, 0))

#Set node size and color
network_graph.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=15, fill_color='skyblue')

#Set edge opacity and width
network_graph.edge_renderer.glyph = MultiLine(line_alpha=0.5, line_width=1)

#Add network graph to the plot

#save(plot, filename=f"{title}.html")

Network with Nodes Sized and Colored By Attribute (Degree)#

The code below shows how to size and color nodes by degree.

Include Bokeh color palettes

from import output_notebook, show, save
from bokeh.models import Range1d, Circle, ColumnDataSource, MultiLine
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.plotting import from_networkx
from bokeh.palettes import Blues8, Reds8, Purples8, Oranges8, Viridis8, Spectral8
from bokeh.transform import linear_cmap

Calculate degree for each node and add as node attribute

degrees = dict(
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, name='degree', values=degrees)

Slightly adjust degree so that the nodes with very small degrees are still visible

number_to_adjust_by = 5
adjusted_node_size = dict([(node, degree+number_to_adjust_by) for node, degree in])
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, name='adjusted_node_size', values=adjusted_node_size)
#Choose attributes from G network to size and color by — setting manual size (e.g. 10) or color (e.g. 'skyblue') also allowed
size_by_this_attribute = 'adjusted_node_size'
color_by_this_attribute = 'adjusted_node_size'

#Pick a color palette — Blues8, Reds8, Purples8, Oranges8, Viridis8
color_palette = Blues8

#Choose a title!
title = 'Game of Thrones Network'

#Establish which categories will appear when hovering over each node
       ("Character", "@index"),
        ("Degree", "@degree")

#Create a plot — set dimensions, toolbar, and title
plot = figure(tooltips = HOVER_TOOLTIPS,
              tools="pan,wheel_zoom,save,reset", active_scroll='wheel_zoom',
            x_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), y_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), title=title)

#Create a network graph object
network_graph = from_networkx(G, networkx.spring_layout, scale=10, center=(0, 0))

#Set node sizes and colors according to node degree (color as spectrum of color palette)
minimum_value_color = min([color_by_this_attribute])
maximum_value_color = max([color_by_this_attribute])
network_graph.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=size_by_this_attribute, fill_color=linear_cmap(color_by_this_attribute, color_palette, minimum_value_color, maximum_value_color))

#Set edge opacity and width
network_graph.edge_renderer.glyph = MultiLine(line_alpha=0.5, line_width=1)


#save(plot, filename=f"{title}.html")

Network with Nodes Colored By Attribute (Community)#

The code below shows how to size and color nodes by modularity class.

Include community module

from import output_notebook, show, save
from bokeh.models import Range1d, Circle, ColumnDataSource, MultiLine
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.plotting import from_networkx
from bokeh.palettes import Blues8, Reds8, Purples8, Oranges8, Viridis8, Spectral8
from bokeh.transform import linear_cmap
from networkx.algorithms import community

Calculate degree for each node and add as node attribute

Hide code cell source
degrees = dict(
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, name='degree', values=degrees)

Slightly adjust degree so that the nodes with very small degrees are still visible

Hide code cell source
number_to_adjust_by = 5
adjusted_node_size = dict([(node, degree+number_to_adjust_by) for node, degree in])
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, name='adjusted_node_size', values=adjusted_node_size)

Calculate communities

communities = community.greedy_modularity_communities(G)

Add modularity class and color as attributes to network graph

# Create empty dictionaries
modularity_class = {}
modularity_color = {}
#Loop through each community in the network
for community_number, community in enumerate(communities):
    #For each member of the community, add their community number and a distinct color
    for name in community: 
        modularity_class[name] = community_number
        modularity_color[name] = Spectral8[community_number]
# Add modularity class and color as attributes from the network above
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, modularity_class, 'modularity_class')
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, modularity_color, 'modularity_color')
#Choose attributes from G network to size and color by — setting manual size (e.g. 10) or color (e.g. 'skyblue') also allowed
size_by_this_attribute = 'adjusted_node_size'
color_by_this_attribute = 'modularity_color'
#Pick a color palette — Blues8, Reds8, Purples8, Oranges8, Viridis8
color_palette = Blues8
#Choose a title!
title = 'Game of Thrones Network'

#Establish which categories will appear when hovering over each node
       ("Character", "@index"),
        ("Degree", "@degree"),
         ("Modularity Class", "@modularity_class"),
        ("Modularity Color", "$color[swatch]:modularity_color"),

#Create a plot — set dimensions, toolbar, and title
plot = figure(tooltips = HOVER_TOOLTIPS,
              tools="pan,wheel_zoom,save,reset, tap", active_scroll='wheel_zoom',
            x_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), y_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), title=title)

#Create a network graph object
network_graph = from_networkx(G, networkx.spring_layout, scale=10, center=(0, 0))

#Set node sizes and colors according to node degree (color as category from attribute)
network_graph.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=size_by_this_attribute, fill_color=color_by_this_attribute)

#Set edge opacity and width
network_graph.edge_renderer.glyph = MultiLine(line_alpha=0.5, line_width=1)


#save(plot, filename=f"{title}.html")

Network with Responsive Highlighting#

The code below shows how to create responsive highlighting when a user hovers over nodes or edges, which you can read more about in Bokeh’s NetworkX Integration documentation.

Include EdgesAndLinkedNodes, NodesAndLinkedEdges

from import output_notebook, show, save
from bokeh.models import Range1d, Circle, ColumnDataSource, MultiLine, EdgesAndLinkedNodes, NodesAndLinkedEdges
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.plotting import from_networkx
from bokeh.palettes import Blues8, Reds8, Purples8, Oranges8, Viridis8, Spectral8
from bokeh.transform import linear_cmap
from networkx.algorithms import community

Calculate degree for each node and add as node attribute

degrees = dict(
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, name='degree', values=degrees)

Slightly adjust degree so that the nodes with very small degrees are still visible

Hide code cell source
number_to_adjust_by = 5
adjusted_node_size = dict([(node, degree+number_to_adjust_by) for node, degree in])
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, name='adjusted_node_size', values=adjusted_node_size)

Calculate communities

Hide code cell source
communities = community.greedy_modularity_communities(G)

Add modularity class and color as attributes to network graph

Hide code cell source
# Create empty dictionaries
modularity_class = {}
modularity_color = {}
#Loop through each community in the network
for community_number, community in enumerate(communities):
    #For each member of the community, add their community number and a distinct color
    for name in community: 
        modularity_class[name] = community_number
        modularity_color[name] = Spectral8[community_number]
Hide code cell source
# Add modularity class and color as attributes from the network above
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, modularity_class, 'modularity_class')
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, modularity_color, 'modularity_color')
from bokeh.models import EdgesAndLinkedNodes, NodesAndLinkedEdges

#Choose colors for node and edge highlighting
node_highlight_color = 'white'
edge_highlight_color = 'black'

#Choose attributes from G network to size and color by — setting manual size (e.g. 10) or color (e.g. 'skyblue') also allowed
size_by_this_attribute = 'adjusted_node_size'
color_by_this_attribute = 'modularity_color'

#Pick a color palette — Blues8, Reds8, Purples8, Oranges8, Viridis8
color_palette = Blues8

#Choose a title!
title = 'Game of Thrones Network'

#Establish which categories will appear when hovering over each node
       ("Character", "@index"),
        ("Degree", "@degree"),
         ("Modularity Class", "@modularity_class"),
        ("Modularity Color", "$color[swatch]:modularity_color"),

#Create a plot — set dimensions, toolbar, and title
plot = figure(tooltips = HOVER_TOOLTIPS,
              tools="pan,wheel_zoom,save,reset", active_scroll='wheel_zoom',
            x_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), y_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), title=title)

#Create a network graph object
network_graph = from_networkx(G, networkx.spring_layout, scale=10, center=(0, 0))

#Set node sizes and colors according to node degree (color as category from attribute)
network_graph.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=size_by_this_attribute, fill_color=color_by_this_attribute)
#Set node highlight colors
network_graph.node_renderer.hover_glyph = Circle(size=size_by_this_attribute, fill_color=node_highlight_color, line_width=2)
network_graph.node_renderer.selection_glyph = Circle(size=size_by_this_attribute, fill_color=node_highlight_color, line_width=2)

#Set edge opacity and width
network_graph.edge_renderer.glyph = MultiLine(line_alpha=0.5, line_width=1)
#Set edge highlight colors
network_graph.edge_renderer.selection_glyph = MultiLine(line_color=edge_highlight_color, line_width=2)
network_graph.edge_renderer.hover_glyph = MultiLine(line_color=edge_highlight_color, line_width=2)

    #Highlight nodes and edges
network_graph.selection_policy = NodesAndLinkedEdges()
network_graph.inspection_policy = NodesAndLinkedEdges()


#save(plot, filename=f"{title}.html")

Network with Labels#

The code below shows how to create node labels, which you can read more about in Bokeh’s label documentation.

Include LabelSet

from import output_notebook, show, save
from bokeh.models import Range1d, Circle, ColumnDataSource, MultiLine, EdgesAndLinkedNodes, NodesAndLinkedEdges, LabelSet
from bokeh.plotting import figure
from bokeh.plotting import from_networkx
from bokeh.palettes import Blues8, Reds8, Purples8, Oranges8, Viridis8, Spectral8
from bokeh.transform import linear_cmap
from networkx.algorithms import community

Calculate degree for each node and add as node attribute

Hide code cell source
degrees = dict(
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, name='degree', values=degrees)

Slightly adjust degree so that the nodes with very small degrees are still visible

Hide code cell source
number_to_adjust_by = 5
adjusted_node_size = dict([(node, degree+number_to_adjust_by) for node, degree in])
networkx.set_node_attributes(G, name='adjusted_node_size', values=adjusted_node_size)

Calculate communities

Hide code cell source
communities = community.greedy_modularity_communities(G)

Add modularity class and color as attributes to network graph

Hide code cell source
# Create empty dictionaries
modularity_class = {}
modularity_color = {}
#Loop through each community in the network
for community_number, community in enumerate(communities):
    #For each member of the community, add their community number and a distinct color
    for name in community: 
        modularity_class[name] = community_number
        modularity_color[name] = Spectral8[community_number]
#Choose colors for node and edge highlighting
node_highlight_color = 'white'
edge_highlight_color = 'black'

#Choose attributes from G network to size and color by — setting manual size (e.g. 10) or color (e.g. 'skyblue') also allowed
size_by_this_attribute = 'adjusted_node_size'
color_by_this_attribute = 'modularity_color'

#Pick a color palette — Blues8, Reds8, Purples8, Oranges8, Viridis8
color_palette = Blues8

#Choose a title!
title = 'Game of Thrones Network'

#Establish which categories will appear when hovering over each node
       ("Character", "@index"),
        ("Degree", "@degree"),
         ("Modularity Class", "@modularity_class"),
        ("Modularity Color", "$color[swatch]:modularity_color"),

#Create a plot — set dimensions, toolbar, and title
plot = figure(tooltips = HOVER_TOOLTIPS,
              tools="pan,wheel_zoom,save,reset", active_scroll='wheel_zoom',
            x_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), y_range=Range1d(-10.1, 10.1), title=title)

#Create a network graph object
network_graph = from_networkx(G, networkx.spring_layout, scale=10, center=(0, 0))

#Set node sizes and colors according to node degree (color as category from attribute)
network_graph.node_renderer.glyph = Circle(size=size_by_this_attribute, fill_color=color_by_this_attribute)
#Set node highlight colors
network_graph.node_renderer.hover_glyph = Circle(size=size_by_this_attribute, fill_color=node_highlight_color, line_width=2)
network_graph.node_renderer.selection_glyph = Circle(size=size_by_this_attribute, fill_color=node_highlight_color, line_width=2)

#Set edge opacity and width
network_graph.edge_renderer.glyph = MultiLine(line_alpha=0.3, line_width=1)
#Set edge highlight colors
network_graph.edge_renderer.selection_glyph = MultiLine(line_color=edge_highlight_color, line_width=2)
network_graph.edge_renderer.hover_glyph = MultiLine(line_color=edge_highlight_color, line_width=2)

#Highlight nodes and edges
network_graph.selection_policy = NodesAndLinkedEdges()
network_graph.inspection_policy = NodesAndLinkedEdges()


#Add Labels
x, y = zip(*network_graph.layout_provider.graph_layout.values())
node_labels = list(G.nodes())
source = ColumnDataSource({'x': x, 'y': y, 'name': [node_labels[i] for i in range(len(x))]})
labels = LabelSet(x='x', y='y', text='name', source=source, background_fill_color='white', text_font_size='10px', background_fill_alpha=.7)

#save(plot, filename=f"{title}.html")